Thursday, July 29, 2004

A new Kerry Fan

I was impressed by his speech tonight.  In fact, I enjoyed a few speeches this week, namely Barack Obama's and Al Sharpton's. If you missed the coverage, have a seat.

I think I'll ride that donkey to see how far it will take me.

Well done, sirs and best of luck.


Bastille Storming Mad

Lou Dobbs  pointed out today (source:The Corporate Library, BLS) in 2003 the average CEO made $85,299 a WEEK and the average worker made $620.  How cool would it be to hire the person that pays you, pick your pay, lay off people to cut costs and improve stock price, play golf and travel on company time and be George Bush's well rewarded "base?"  I hear the whisper in my head calling me to the dark side.

Even if John Kerry is the spawn of Satan, I will vote for him.  I would rather give just about anybody a chance to be Jefe rather than reward Bush, a fiscal liberal and wanna-be cowboy who threatens the sovereignty of this great society. Oh,  Tucker Carlson... you are holding your silvered tongue of fire.  What of the big government sanctioned morality, neo-liberalism, out of control spending, and conservative cardinal sins which have been committed by this current administration?  What is your inner Libertarian whispering?  

I swear, if Bush quotes Teddy Roosevelt one more time...

*Humming "Small Town," by John Cougar Mellencamp. Lyrics here.*


Monday, July 26, 2004

What will your Winchester House be?

You must first read the story of the Winchester House.

Okay, so Sarah was a bit of a nut job, but her deep guilt is absolutely moving.  If you believe in karmic retribution, Hell or just deep personal guilt, it is amazing that one person could have this much self-condemnation  for the privilege she enjoyed at the expense of innocents.  Most people indirectly cause suffering regularly without the slightest pangs of guilt.  Our great society is filled with people in high positions, who authorize suffering and death without any real remorse.  What will their metaphorical Winchester House be?  What will mine be?  What will yours be?



I am not the first to discover this (Damn, you Fox News), but this is truely hilarious.

Political bi-partisan flash animation humor: JibJab


Friday, July 16, 2004

Like me

Here is an uninspired tangent.  Read on anyway. Hope you like it.

Like.  I like him and I am like him mean different things, but isn't it funny how people tend to like those just like them?  Mom pals with rugged jogging strollers push tiny tots of the same birth month, fratties in madras pledge for life, and Betty Page  haired grrrls clump together.  Sure they have something in common, but is it more than just superficial traits?  Do we need to have something in common other than say ethics and morals... or do we even need the same moral set? I tend to gravitate towards those of high intelligence, but are they like me? My friends tend to be open minded, intelligent, and witty, but superficially they are diverse in ages, colors, sizes, sexual orientations, and dress.  I have well heeled friends, those forever flip flopping, worn Birkenstock owners, Clarks wearing pragmatists, and those in chunky countercultural galoshes and clodhoppers.  We are friends because of a connection, not because they share my taste for beatnik basic black or because we live in the same floorplan or even because we came from the same warped little dusty town. 

Am I being romantic and unsensible?  Maybe I am trying hard to remain a rugged individualist.  Should I want to belong to a group that is just like me?  Maybe I already a part of a group of people that is marked "other" and "etc." Maybe people evolve to be more like each other and perhaps that is what I am observing.  Sure my oldest and dearest friends and I share things in common, but did we evolve that way or did we by fate find each other in this crazy world? 

Self-depreciating or not, I like people unlike me, because they teach me about myself.  They unknowingly point out my hang ups, desires, strengths, and weaknesses.  I like them without wanting to become like them.  Like.   Similarities are fine, but I dislike similes.

Thursday, July 15, 2004

Vanity? Fair enough.

I nominated myself for the best blog category in The Austin Chronicle's Best of Austin contest. I only have a few random posts under my belt due to procrastination, self-sabotage, and a hectic summer travel schedule, however I am just honored to be nominated. I must admit I enjoy conceptualizing far more than actually keeping up the routine of blogging.

Truly an honor, folks.



Thursday, July 08, 2004

"Kerry adopts a puppy" and Ann Coulter is a bitch

I swore off politics, but damn if I didn't hear the siren calls of yahoo news.


Childless neo-conservative and vain femme nazi, Ann Coulter, is blaming attorneys like John Edwards for skyrocketing cesarean rates. Forget the doctors, who induce for no reason other than scheduling conflicts, forget blaming epidural correlated statistics, increased child birth weight, maternal obesity, forget birth defects, increased maternal or fetal distress detection, surge in multiple births, private insurance, and every other factor... let us only blame lawyers... oh wait... she IS a lawyer. Make that blame OTHER lawyers. Cesarean deliveries carry a higher rate of maternal mortality and that in itself is a possible reason for lawsuit. Medical malpractice cases are costly, research intensive, lengthy, and not as rampant as some would like to think. Unfortunately, doctors are often only kept in check by lawsuits. You would be frightened to know how many legitimate cases there are against licensed doctors, who are repeat offenders of gross negligence. The medical, legal, and insurance establishment all win some and lose some... we just lose.

Adult children need to grow up


Okay, is this where I need to site the evidence on why the institution of marriage needs to be outlawed? Or maybe why people need a license to breed? This crap is evidence? Gimme a few weeks and I will disprove the effectiveness and validity of marriage in general. Don't get me wrong... I am blissfully married, but I can still cite evidence against it. Pure spin. A bazillion Americans hate their lives and one happens to be an adult child of a lesbian couple ( whose biological mother, then married a man after she was widowed.)

Waaahh... you hate your parents for being happy or different. Join the freakin' crowd.

Good parents are rare. Period. Good marriages are, too. The right to choose and try to obtain happiness is as American as it gets.

Dog Days of Summer

I am back from part one of my summer vacation, and the creative muses appear to be lounging by a pool rather than inspiring me to write. Well, I am working on a business proposal for my dearest, but creatively I am in a slump. I am avoiding ALL news, including that occasional guilty pleasure, celebrity gossip. I am tired of propaganda, corporate sponsorship, and tired pop culture references. I canceled my Austin American Statesman newspaper subscription and The New York Times, because it made me feel better. Ok, I usually love the Times (The Statesman just stinks), but I was hooked by a special rate, overcharged by almost a hundred bucks, and it took them two months to give me my money back. I was certainly not going to starve due to the overcharge, but the principle of the matter is what peeved me. Except for the new Michael Moore flick, I will abstain from politics until September... maybe October. Except for Cheap Seats (on ESPN Classic), Conan O'Brian, The Simpsons, and the Chapelle show, nothing makes me REALLY laugh. Ok, makes me laugh. Here's nodding at Kari, blogger extraordinaire. The article about stay-at-home mothers (from the Stinky Statesman)made me want to rage. Actually,I did rage along side Kari in the comment section on

I can at least sleep well at night knowing Friends is over.

Damn, Muses... I bet they have had another margarita and their cell phones are now turned off.
