Thursday, July 08, 2004

"Kerry adopts a puppy" and Ann Coulter is a bitch

I swore off politics, but damn if I didn't hear the siren calls of yahoo news.


Childless neo-conservative and vain femme nazi, Ann Coulter, is blaming attorneys like John Edwards for skyrocketing cesarean rates. Forget the doctors, who induce for no reason other than scheduling conflicts, forget blaming epidural correlated statistics, increased child birth weight, maternal obesity, forget birth defects, increased maternal or fetal distress detection, surge in multiple births, private insurance, and every other factor... let us only blame lawyers... oh wait... she IS a lawyer. Make that blame OTHER lawyers. Cesarean deliveries carry a higher rate of maternal mortality and that in itself is a possible reason for lawsuit. Medical malpractice cases are costly, research intensive, lengthy, and not as rampant as some would like to think. Unfortunately, doctors are often only kept in check by lawsuits. You would be frightened to know how many legitimate cases there are against licensed doctors, who are repeat offenders of gross negligence. The medical, legal, and insurance establishment all win some and lose some... we just lose.