Tuesday, August 31, 2004

Yahoo! News - Schwarzenegger Lauds Bush on Terror Fight

For those of you just joining me: I have sworn off the convention coverage (save for Yahoo News). I have been watching each convention's coverage since I was in first grade, but I don't need the ulcer and there is entirely too much fodder for me to handle at the moment.

The Governator says, "you can't reason with people blinded by hate."
This is exactly the reason I have stopped talking to any neo-conservative not related to me by blood.

He also adds, "If you believe that government should be accountable to the people, not the people to the government — then you're a Republican!"

Okay... is the President and his administration apart of this government held accountable by its people? The last time I checked, when we ask any questions we are basically told to shut up... or more specifically, go f**k ourselves.

I wish they would just stop with the small government+balanced budgets+ strong foreign policy=Republican equation.

I need to just turn off my laptop and go smoke a Nat Sherman.

Yahoo! News - Schwarzenegger Lauds Bush on Terror Fight

Yahoo! News - Bush Now Saying 'We Will Win' Terror War

Yahoo! News - Bush Now Saying 'We Will Win' Terror War

Flip flop. Flippity flop.

Yahoo! News - GOP Delegates Boo Moore at Convention

Yahoo! News - GOP Delegates Boo Moore at Convention

The "disingenuous film maker" featured in the article, Michael Moore, never "portrayed Iraq as an oasis of peace," as McCain claims. Moore features American soldiers and their stories, questionable Bush family dealings, and Iraqi casualties (many who are women and children). The brutal grip of Saddam was less chaotic than the current occupation of Iraq. You cannot argue that bombs bursting on every street corner is less chaotic. Citizens are without utilities, a livelihood, and--too many--without loved ones lost as "collateral damage" by the hands of well meaning American GIs. Saddam was no doubt a crazy dictator, but his iron fist rule was keeping feuding tribes together. He killed many Iraqis, mainly those who were unfortunate to be from a tribe other than his own, in order to keep a sovereignty that was not just not meant to be. "Iraq" has never really flourished as a nation, and the British had the sense to leave after they tried to occupy it way back in 1920. Just because Mr. Moore is against the President, does not mean he is against the American people. Unless you watch his movie or have an official transcript, you cannot argue about it... and not be a liar yourself.

I wonder if as long as we keep the official Iraqi death toll under Saddam's previously held death toll record, will we stay the good guys? Or do we not care about their deaths, because they are not our tribesman?

Monday, August 30, 2004

Bush: We can't win war on terror

Yahoo! News - Bush Tempers Expectations on Terror War

I thought we were supposed to vote for him, because he was the only one who could win it? Mr. Bush definitely is not helping to make terror less acceptable in other parts of the world, when our violence against innocents (aka collateral damage) creates a new network of people that hate the US everyday. Other than liking his accent and the fact he looks good in jeans and Red Wing boots, I cannot understand why anyone is voting for him.

Did anyone miss this article about W's father forseeing the costs of an Iraq war? I forgot to post about it the other day.

Have a read: Yahoo! News - Bush's Father Foresaw Costs of an Iraq War

Republicans for Kerry Ads

If you would like to see the ads that will air during the convention, have a look. Whether you are for Bush or Kerry, you should check out the Real People Ads--at least out of curiosity.

Sunday, August 29, 2004

A humble rambling preamble

I have been getting far more traffic than I had originally anticipated for this stage of blogging. This blog is not intended to just be another witty rambling rant journal, but instead my editorial style manifesto. This blog is the outlet for my unheard voice and hopefully I represent other unheard voices. I have seen so much injustice and falseness in the world and it makes me sick thinking about it. By writing, I quiet my brain's furious chatter allowing me to be more productive, focused, and easy to live with. I think too much and that is who I am.

I came to the conclusion as a young child that most friends were false, but all enemies are real. Too many people are undependable, self-centered, and shallow. If you don't believe me, ask a terminal patient if anyone has become scarce. My mother died of brain cancer when I was very young. Soon after this philanthropic and godly woman died, I never saw from any of her friends, coworkers or family again. Cancer did not kill the whole network around her, people's ignorance, selfishness, and avoidance did. I felt abandoned by society as a whole and became accustomed to living as an outsider observer. The dark clouds hung above our house for many many years and I was alone to write and contemplate.

As a young child, I grew up believing that the US was the greatest country in the world, because we are free. More and more as the years went on, I realized that we are not free. We allow ourselves to be bound by others perceptions, expectations, and standards. We place possessions, power, and career before intangibles, such as love, passion, and compassion. Politicians pay lipservice to ideals of rugged individualism, but they want us to comply, obey, and buy buy buy for the sake of the economy. Misguided well intentioned women think liberation for all women is a pharmaceutical pill and a productive career-- in work environments that are neither family friendly and nor friendly families. Social conservatives feel persecuted by the liberals they would have cast out of their communities just a generation ago and liberals want to "fix what ain't broke." Patriotic Christians loves Jesus, but not necessarily people who live like the Prince of Peace; pride used to be a sin, but now it is a national slogan.

I am here, against all odds, a person who is still oblivious to what is popular, proper or protocol. Who I am is not bound by my gender, appearance, socio-economic background, religion, generation, formal education, career choice, political affiliation nor race. Life hasn't always been easy for me, but then again, if it had been my story would not be as interesting. I want my tiny voice heard, so others can understand how un-free they are and how they have lost sight of the real arguments. My generation does not have a strong voice, but it needs one. Just maybe, I am not delusional, and somehow my little voice can make a difference... or at least a good read while avoiding work at the office.

I appreciate your time and consideration.

Textbook Myers-Briggs INTP,

Saturday, August 28, 2004

Yahoo! News - Delegates Told to Leave Guns at Home

Yahoo! News - Delegates Told to Leave Guns at Home

Okay... good idea, but is that a second amendment infringement? Just curious. Also, the cop in the photo is sporting an assault weapon and I would hate to be caught in his crossfire. Let's hope a hippie protester and a bad day do not turn ugly. Ya know, the presence of a heavily armed police officer always puts me at ease.

I am finding all the protesting to be more interesting than the speaker line up. Does that make me an anarchist, a sociopath or just the average American? I think I will sit out the convention. By the way, if I do, it will be my first Republican National Convention missed since I was five years old.


Politics. I swear there is more that I like writing about, but I have been going through a dry spell lately for topics that move me. Sure the Jesus Freak that nearly ran me over--twice-- in her monster SUV (outfitted with several Christian bumper stickers) at Costco pissed me off, but big deal. A lot of Christians are hypocrites, so are many of the luxury brand loving socialists I know and love, and ditto for some high profile feminists who belittle another woman's well informed personal choice. I am getting too jaded to rant? Jeeeez.

Thursday, August 26, 2004

Bush Flip Flopping on Global Warming?

Yahoo! News - U.S. Study Links Human Activity to Global Warming

Did I mention rejection of the concept of global warming has been in the Republican Party platform? Well, this is all so heart warming.

I thought Republicans did not change their minds.

"Likely" story.

Republican Party of Texas

Here is are some excerpts from the 2004 Republican Party of Texas platform. This time around they left out abolishing the minimum wage. Do you find any of these hypocritical? Think about it:

"We respect and cherish the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and our Founders’ intent to restrict the power of the federal government over the states and the people."

"All innocent human life must be protected."

"We insist that no one's rights are negotiable and that individual freedom demands personal responsibility."

"We believe that government spending is out of control and needs to be reduced."

"...we must also vigorously protect the sovereignty of the United States."


Then, refrain from using the constitution to discriminate (popular opinion was not in favor of women's suffrage rights either), stop supporting an administration that runs up the deficit and borrows money from countries like China, stop killing innocents both by war and by indirect actions (ex. lethal exposure from unscrupulous chemical plants and execution of the mentally retarded), refrain from making the federal government larger, and at all costs protect individual rights to vote and have all the votes counted. Oh yea, and thanks for spending all that money and time on redistricting Texas. If you do not agree with the platform and you are a Republican, then you are a "RINO (Republican In Name Only)" and they do not want you to have a voice. Some people call themselves "RINO hunters." Lovely, eh?

I love the bumper sticker I saw the other day:

"I left the Republican Party, when it left me."

Be sure to check out:

NOW with Bill Moyers on Friday, August 27 at 9PM on PBS will be featuring the Republican National Convention, but with his own twist.(Check local listings at http://www.pbs.org/now/sched.html).

ABCNEWS.com : Eugenics Backer Causes Stir in Tenn. Race

ABCNEWS.com : Eugenics Backer Causes Stir in Tenn. Race

Thursday, August 19, 2004

I *heart* Blogger

I love Blogger and Google. Google is my five hour a day obsession that allows me to study everything that pops into my mind, feeding my scattered thought showers and allowing me to check off "to do" lists. I have even lurked in Google Answers, beating the expert to the punch for fun... just like watching Jeopardy or the History Channel's Decisive Battles on the couch.


INTP and forever GT nerd

Monday, August 16, 2004

How rich are you

This puts your wealth in perspective: Global Rich List.

Friday, August 13, 2004

This Texas Rambler is preparing her own Anthem

I usually refrain from posting about anything personal, save my convictions. I just don't feel I am as witty as those who make even their lunch seem interesting. Okay, here ya go: I enjoyed pork chops served with southern side dishes, followed by Panamanian coffee given by a well-traveled friend, and a barrage of annoying solicitors, who descend on new houses like a plague. Maybe a little lamb blood on the front posts and above the front door will make them passover my house and keep them from waking my napping first born.

I feel like rambling, so ramble I will.

I just finished reading Anthem by Ayn Rand and I liked it alright, except it reminded me a little of the creative paper I wrote in 6th grade about the mothballing of nuclear weapons, a stock market crash, and communist invasion ("Red Dawn" was a little influencial, I suppose). I enjoy Ayn Rand's thought provoking work, but I have disdain for those neo-lib/neo-con Ph.D. hacks, who spin her work and pen sentences beginning with "But." When did environmentalists vote to want to destroy mankind and return to loin cloths... oh yea, in the name of transforming our planet into the garden of Eden? I must have missed that newsletter. Great. I would be cast out of Eden like Lilith anyway. Perhaps polluting is "sacrificing others to himself" and is contrary to Rand's teachings. I drive a car, I enjoy the fruits of capitalism, and yet I possess a love of clean air, water, and the aesthetic beauty of the natural world. You wanna live in a filthy polluted hell... then by all means move to Galveston County and enjoy. Rand is quoted as defending the right to abortion and she blasts religion and mysticism, so I wish neo-cons would stop aligning themselves with her writings. Neo-asses love her views on laissez faire capitalism, but fail to acknowledge "[man] must exist for his own sake, neither sacrificing himself to others nor sacrificing others to himself. "Ayn Rand believed in order to be an objectivist, a follower of her philosophy, one must agree with all tenents of Objectivism. Do I consider myself an objectivist? I guess not. I do not believe laissez faire capitalism works, despite being an impressive ideal. Laissez faire would be an easier sell if workers would not need to organize, governments would not need to regulate, and taxes would not be necessary to raise the standards of a society. In a perfect world, those at the bottom would refuse to consume products and services offered by irresponsible businessmen at the top and businessmen would refuse to be irresponsible. I think too many people are ignorant, irresponsible, and greedy for capitalism to be completely unregulated. I guess I like knowing what food has in it (thanks to government required labeling), knowing that (supposedly) companies are not allowed to pollute my drinking water, and that workers are allowed the luxury of not being slaves to feudal lords. I vote with my dollar, but does anyone else? If we all did, we would find we have more power than we thought... more power than all the unheeded regulations in the world. "Let them do" as long as it is ethical, honorable, and for the good of all, but naturally not at the expense of one.

Oh yea... and an objectivist probably can't read their horoscope.

"Whenever the people are well-informed, they can be trusted with their own government"

-Thomas Jefferson

Thursday, August 12, 2004

Nasty Politics

The Boondocks, by the insanely witty Aaron McGruder, is my favorite comic strip right now.

This is too funny. Oh yea, and this I just LOVE.

Have a moment of levity with me.

What are you really?

I meet people all the time that would LIKE to THINK they are conservatives or liberals, but really they are not. I find it funny that people try to align themselves with a political party to become more like the stereotype. If I vote Republican, will it improve my portfolio? If I vote Democratic, will I be more creative? If I vote Libertarian... wait... like a Libertarian will ever get a chance in my state.

World's Smallest Political Quiz

Think for yourself.

Wednesday, August 04, 2004

Bush's Hitler ("Coalition of the Wild-Eyed") Ad

I am not kidding... this is on GeorgeWBush.com.

Take a look.

Tuesday, August 03, 2004

"Michael Moore hates America"

The Daily Show with Jon Stewart features Mike Wilson, director of "Michael Moore Hates America" here.

Have a seat and enjoy.