Saturday, August 28, 2004

Yahoo! News - Delegates Told to Leave Guns at Home

Yahoo! News - Delegates Told to Leave Guns at Home

Okay... good idea, but is that a second amendment infringement? Just curious. Also, the cop in the photo is sporting an assault weapon and I would hate to be caught in his crossfire. Let's hope a hippie protester and a bad day do not turn ugly. Ya know, the presence of a heavily armed police officer always puts me at ease.

I am finding all the protesting to be more interesting than the speaker line up. Does that make me an anarchist, a sociopath or just the average American? I think I will sit out the convention. By the way, if I do, it will be my first Republican National Convention missed since I was five years old.


Politics. I swear there is more that I like writing about, but I have been going through a dry spell lately for topics that move me. Sure the Jesus Freak that nearly ran me over--twice-- in her monster SUV (outfitted with several Christian bumper stickers) at Costco pissed me off, but big deal. A lot of Christians are hypocrites, so are many of the luxury brand loving socialists I know and love, and ditto for some high profile feminists who belittle another woman's well informed personal choice. I am getting too jaded to rant? Jeeeez.