Thursday, August 26, 2004

Republican Party of Texas

Here is are some excerpts from the 2004 Republican Party of Texas platform. This time around they left out abolishing the minimum wage. Do you find any of these hypocritical? Think about it:

"We respect and cherish the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and our Founders’ intent to restrict the power of the federal government over the states and the people."

"All innocent human life must be protected."

"We insist that no one's rights are negotiable and that individual freedom demands personal responsibility."

"We believe that government spending is out of control and needs to be reduced."

"...we must also vigorously protect the sovereignty of the United States."


Then, refrain from using the constitution to discriminate (popular opinion was not in favor of women's suffrage rights either), stop supporting an administration that runs up the deficit and borrows money from countries like China, stop killing innocents both by war and by indirect actions (ex. lethal exposure from unscrupulous chemical plants and execution of the mentally retarded), refrain from making the federal government larger, and at all costs protect individual rights to vote and have all the votes counted. Oh yea, and thanks for spending all that money and time on redistricting Texas. If you do not agree with the platform and you are a Republican, then you are a "RINO (Republican In Name Only)" and they do not want you to have a voice. Some people call themselves "RINO hunters." Lovely, eh?

I love the bumper sticker I saw the other day:

"I left the Republican Party, when it left me."

Be sure to check out:

NOW with Bill Moyers on Friday, August 27 at 9PM on PBS will be featuring the Republican National Convention, but with his own twist.(Check local listings at