Tuesday, August 31, 2004

Yahoo! News - Schwarzenegger Lauds Bush on Terror Fight

For those of you just joining me: I have sworn off the convention coverage (save for Yahoo News). I have been watching each convention's coverage since I was in first grade, but I don't need the ulcer and there is entirely too much fodder for me to handle at the moment.

The Governator says, "you can't reason with people blinded by hate."
This is exactly the reason I have stopped talking to any neo-conservative not related to me by blood.

He also adds, "If you believe that government should be accountable to the people, not the people to the government — then you're a Republican!"

Okay... is the President and his administration apart of this government held accountable by its people? The last time I checked, when we ask any questions we are basically told to shut up... or more specifically, go f**k ourselves.

I wish they would just stop with the small government+balanced budgets+ strong foreign policy=Republican equation.

I need to just turn off my laptop and go smoke a Nat Sherman.

Yahoo! News - Schwarzenegger Lauds Bush on Terror Fight