Saturday, September 18, 2004

Aren't Weekends fun?

Have a read.

I promise to add to this post (but on another topic) after this Tecate.


...Okay, so I was a little late getting back to posting, but traffic slowed last night anyway.

I thought I would give a little bit of a personal touch to this post, letting people get an idea of who I really am. I don't mean my real name, what I look like or any other superficial details, but rather a bit of insight into my intentions and thought processes. Allow to me to indulge in my self-centered musings. If you haven't already taken a Myers-Briggs or enneagram test, consider it, but keep in mind these tests and people are fallible. Sometimes people are not in touch with who they really are in the first place, making identification far more difficult. With personality tests, you will need to keep an open mind, answer honestly, and read the personality description and confirm if this indeed sounds you. Anyway, hit the links with me.

I am a "textbook" INTP.
My enneagram is a "balanced" five, so I do not have the so called "wings". I am always 'tween something, hence I call myself a "tweener." I am neither left nor right brain dominant and until I was about 8, I could write just as easily with my left hand as I could my right. I was born between generations and cultures. Even my masculine and feminine sides are well balanced. My learning style test results are fairly balanced,too. I have some difficulty with tests, because I constantly question the questions and explore the possibilities. In high school, I remember finding an error in a question on a standardized test and it plagued me for the remaining portion of the timed test.

I used to think that I was unusual... and well, I was right. I am unusual, but at least now I understand that it is okay to be different and that I should celebrate my quirks, using them to my advantage. For years and years I struggled against who I was born to be. I desperately wanted to be normal, even trying to act out some other personality types. I am tired of trying to be something I am not, I just want to look and be like me. I think personal discovery is so vital to maximizing potential and I am glad I realized this before my youth is exhausted. One of my best friends, a supreme nerd, told me that "life will be easier once you admit you are a geek." Dave was right. Life is much easier now.

The word holistic could easily be my mantra.

Happy reading and testing.

"One's own self is well hidden from one's own self: of all mines of treasure, one's own is the last to be mined."