Saturday, September 04, 2004

Labor Day; selling your soul to company and store

Besides department store sales and the official end of summer and white linen pants, do you know anything about Labor Day? Educate yourself.

Now, knowing that there are some populist roots to this holiday, I pose this question: Should neo-conservatives boycott Labor Day sales out of principle? And if they do get this day off, should they go to work anyway to help productivity?

Neo-conservative sheep would like you to think standing up for your rights in the workplace makes you un-American. Standing up for your right to fair treatment is perhaps THE most American concept. (On the flip side: Unions are sometimes run by power hungry individuals. Also, some elitists--liberal democrats or otherwise-- support unions and give lip service to populist ideals, but believe blue-collared workers are beneath them, less important, and that working with your hands is virtually barbaric. This may have a little to do with the bumper sticker "Work hard and piss off a liberal.") In a perfect world, an honest day's work should be partnered with an honest day's profit.

Enjoy the holiday and do not forget to celebrate the strength and determination of the American spirit.

"Deprived of meaningful work, men and women lose their reason for existence; they go stark, raving mad."
--Fyodor Dostoevski

Floating down the Guadalupe in a canoe...